3. General Lesson Plan
Note: Due to the more general nature of this lesson plan, the format of the plan itself is quite different in comparison to the other lessons, which had more specific goals in mind.
Course: Spanish 1220 (Spanish as a Heritage Language II)
Estimated Time of Lesson: 50 minutes, MWF
Course Description: Spanish 1220 is the second course in the Spanish as a Heritage Language program, and is designed for students who have a cultural connection to the Spanish language. Some students have had very little exposure to the language and enter the class to develop basic skills. Others speak or understand some Spanish as a result of having heard it in the home and/or in the community by relatives, friends, and neighbors. The class objective of the SHL program is to build upon the language base and cultural connection that you already have as a result of the “heritage learner experience,” in order to develop capabilities in Spanish. The Spanish you may bring into the classroom, often some Spanish from our communities, is not viewed as a “bad” form of Spanish, which is incorrect or must be eliminated, but rather is considered an extremely valid means of communication. In fact, we view the Spanish of New Mexico and of the Southwest as a cultural treasure that should be maintained. This course provides you the opportunity to develop proficiency in the four basic language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). In order to increase your motivation to study Spanish, and in order to affirm your pride in your heritage, we will explore the cultural background shared by the student.
Required Course Material: Due to the nature of the Heritage Language course, and the need to tailor course materials to the students, their linguistic background and cultural history, there is no required text. All course materials are either developed by the instructor or taken from outside sources. Any use of outside material in the course of this Lesson Plan will be cited in the Works Cited section.
Theme/Content: Based off of previous lessons’ utilization of specific vocabulary and the past tense, the theme of today’s lesson will be travel; This includes the use of basic phrases and asking questions related to travel, at a hotel, hostel, or similar locale.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the use of pertinent vocabulary regarding travel.
2. Identify basic phrases and introductions used when discussing lodging.
3. Practice using the knowledge they’ve accumulated thus far to stage a basic interaction with a receptionist at a hostel or hotel.
Content Knowledge in Today’s Class Session: Travel-related vocabulary, basic introductory phrases and questions.
Resources/Materials Needed for Today’s Class Session: Pen and paper, PowerPoint, projector, YouTube video (Educación a Distancia 2017).
Chronological Lesson Plan: Refer to Appendix 2; Unfortunately, although this section is the main part of the lesson, I was unable to copy and paste the main table directly into the Google Sites platform, and apologize for the inconvenience.
Works Cited:
Educación a Distancia. (2017, January 30). Proceso de check in [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7wsJxgfjPA.
Appendix 1:
Transcript from “Proceso de check in” video (2:50 audio)
Hola, soy Lilibet Castro, recepcionista del Hotel Escuela Puerto del Sol, de la Universidad Señor de Sipán. En este momento les voy a enseñar los procesos del check-in, de la área de recepción y reservas. ¡Vamos! ¡Síganme!
RECEPCIONISTA (R): Hola, bienvenida al Hotel Puerto del Sol.
CLIENTE (C): Hola, ¿qué tal?
R: ¿Cómo está? ¿En que lo puedo ayudar, señorita?
C: Tengo una reserva para el día de hoy.
R: ¿A nombre de quién?
C: Del Señor Mora.
R: A ver, permítame un momento, por favor.
C: Okay.
R: Sí, efectivamente tiene una reserva a cargo del Señor Mora. ¿Puede llenar por favor estos datos?
C: Sí, claro.
R: ¿Me permite su documento de identidad?
C: Claro.
R: Puede llenar aquí su nombre, sus apellidos, nacionalidad, número de documento, y su firma. ¡Gracias! (Unintelligible)…aquí tiene su documento de identidad. ¿Desea cancelar un adelanto?
C: Hice un depósito.
R: A ver, permítame a verificar, por favor.
C: Okay.
R: Efectivamente tiene un depósito del 50%, si desea, puede cancelar todo el monto en este momento o en el momento del check-out.
C: En el momento del check-out.
R: No problema, señorita. Si desea, contemos con servicios adicionales cómo lavandería, restaurante, servicio al habitación, y si desea algo más también puede llamar al número cero, que es de recepción. Estamos para ayudarle en lo desee.
C: ¡Gracias!
R: De nada, señorita. Que tenga una feliz estadía. Sandra, un momento, por favor. Acompaña la señora Mora a su habitación, es (unintelligible).
SANDRA (S): (Unintelligible).
C: No, gracias.
S: Está bien. Vamos.
R: Pase adelante.